EHRA 2022 Congress - AFFECT-EU sessions
We are proud to announce that AFFECT-EU will be participating to the EHRA2022 Congress in Copenhagen. Our AFFECT-EU partners will be involved in several presentations throughout the duration of the event.
A full list of sessions linked to AFFECT-EU and its partners is available for you below for ease of access:
The EHRA EU research projects, Apr 3rd, 15:45, Room 5
To screen or not to screen for atrial fibrillation (AF), Apr 3rd, 18:05, Room 2
Screening for atrial fibrillation - a pro/con debate, Apr 4th 08:30, Room 2
Lucas Yixi Xing: Systolic blood pressure and effects of screening for atrial fibrillation with long-term continuous monitoring, Apr 4th 13:10, Room 2
Søren Zöga Diederichsen: Accidental diagnosis of bradyarrhythmia in patients monitored for atrial fibrillation, Apr 4th 13:10, Room 3